Storage Services
Your business data is one of the most important components of your business, and ItZact Solutions will ensure that it is always available whenever and wherever you need it. Regardless of how fast your business grows and evolves, we will always be able to find the optimal solution for all your performance and capacity needs.
We will meticulously assess, plan, design, implement and manage your storage infrastructure so that your business is the best position to respond to any demand.
What we'll provide:
• Direct Attached Storage (DAS)
• Dedicated Storage Area Network (SAN)
• Dedicated Network Attached Storage (NAS)
• Data Security
• Offsite Storage

Manage Data
An optimized storage environment leads to better preparation for future storage demands.
A more efficient storage system which can better support business growth.
Data Migration
Migrate data from anywhere in a fast and secure manner without any interruptions.